Sunday, August 1, 2010


It was with great interest that I read the Ministry of Education Policy on ICT. This policy was drafted in September 2005 having been in the making since 2004. An ambitious policy as usual like all documents, policies, White Papers and Green Papers, wordy and beyond the comprehension of those worthy of understanding such.
After reading the 42 page document (and it took a while) I had two serious questions that I will like anyone of my MEd colleagues to help me with: How far along are the 5 levels of setting up ICT in schools? And the document spoke about the MOE and I quote “The Ministry shall create a technology-assisted working environment in which all MOE staff can function with ease.” Five long years and we are still being told that our file cannot be found or they are in cardboard boxes in the corridors. How difficult can computerising the Education Ministry be?
I have a simple solution though for any government institution wanting to be computerized and that is for that institution to have a Competition for University Graduates in Computer Technology to put their skill at work and you will see how quickly and easily you will have it done. Young people would love to be known for having set up the system in certain public places so use them!
What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Mrs R, without exception, all of your posts leave the reader wanting more. It is both due to your style of writing as well as your provoking posts. Like a politician responding to your question, 'How far along are the 5 levels of setting up ICT in schools?' I say, you ask a hard question.
    In Level 1, we are yet to see all staff members au courant with the technology. However, to be fair to the government, it has embarked on an ICT programme to update all teachers on the use of the computers.
    In Level 2, one of the seven 'wishes' has been realized. Here is where I depart from the politician and return to the teacher and education stakeholder, Levels 3, 4 and 5 are all still a work in progress. Perhaps, the graduates of this M Ed Reading Programme would be a vehicle for Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 to be accomplished by 2020. What do you say can we be of assistance in this venture?
